
Big Data (I?)

Below a few observations from the first half of the book, as well as some links related to the topic coverage.

“The data we derive from the Web can be classified as structured, unstructured, or semi-structured. […] Carefully structured and tabulated data is relatively easy to manage and is amenable to statistical analysis, indeed until recently statistical analysis methods could be applied only to structured data. In contrast, unstructured data is not so easily categorized, and includes photos, videos, tweets, and word-processing documents. Once the use of the World Wide Web became widespread, it transpired that many such potential sources of information remained inaccessible because they lacked the structure needed for existing analytical techniques to be applied. However, by identifying key features, data that appears at first sight to be unstructured may not be completely without structure. Emails, for example, contain structured metadata in the heading as well as the actual unstructured message […] and so may be classified as semi-structured data. Metadata tags, which are essentially descriptive references, can be used to add some structure to unstructured data. […] Dealing with unstructured data is challenging: since it cannot be stored in traditional databases or spreadsheets, special tools have had to be developed to extract useful information. […] Approximately 80 per cent of the world’s data is unstructured in the form of text, photos, and images, and so is not amenable to the traditional methods of structured data analysis. ‘Big data’ is now used to refer not just to the total amount of data generated and stored electronically, but also to specific datasets that are large in both size and complexity, with which new algorithmic techniques are required in order to extract useful information from them.”

“In the digital age we are no longer entirely dependent on samples, since we can often collect all the data we need on entire populations. But the size of these increasingly large sets of data cannot alone provide a definition for the term ‘big data’ — we must include complexity in any definition. Instead of carefully constructed samples of ‘small data’ we are now dealing with huge amounts of data that has not been collected with any specific questions in mind and is often unstructured. In order to characterize the key features that make data big and move towards a definition of the term, Doug Laney, writing in 2001, proposed using the three ‘v’s: volume, variety, and velocity. […] ‘Volume’ refers to the amount of electronic data that is now collected and stored, which is growing at an ever-increasing rate. Big data is big, but how big? […] Generally, we can say the volume criterion is met if the dataset is such that we cannot collect, store, and analyse it using traditional computing and statistical methods. […] Although a great variety of data [exists], ultimately it can all be classified as structured, unstructured, or semi-structured. […] Velocity is necessarily connected with volume: the faster the data is generated, the more there is. […] Velocity also refers to the speed at which data is electronically processed. For example, sensor data, such as that generated by an autonomous car, is necessarily generated in real time. If the car is to work reliably, the data […] must be analysed very quickly […] Variability may be considered as an additional dimension of the velocity concept, referring to the changing rates in flow of data […] computer systems are more prone to failure [during peak flow periods]. […] As well as the original three ‘v’s suggested by Laney, we may add ‘veracity’ as a fourth. Veracity refers to the quality of the data being collected. […] Taken together, the four main characteristics of big data – volume, variety, velocity, and veracity – present a considerable challenge in data management.” [As regular readers of this blog might be aware, not everybody would agree with the author here about the inclusion of veracity as a defining feature of big data – “Many have suggested that there are more V’s that are important to the big data problem [than volume, variety & velocity] such as veracity and value (IEEE BigData 2013). Veracity refers to the trustworthiness of the data, and value refers to the value that the data adds to creating knowledge about a topic or situation. While we agree that these are important data characteristics, we do not see these as key features that distinguish big data from regular data. It is important to evaluate the veracity and value of all data, both big and small. (Knoth & Schmid)]

“Anyone who uses a personal computer, laptop, or smartphone accesses data stored in a database. Structured data, such as bank statements and electronic address books, are stored in a relational database. In order to manage all this structured data, a relational database management system (RDBMS) is used to create, maintain, access, and manipulate the data. […] Once […] the database [has been] constructed we can populate it with data and interrogate it using structured query language (SQL). […] An important aspect of relational database design involves a process called normalization which includes reducing data duplication to a minimum and hence reduces storage requirements. This allows speedier queries, but even so as the volume of data increases the performance of these traditional databases decreases. The problem is one of scalability. Since relational databases are essentially designed to run on just one server, as more and more data is added they become slow and unreliable. The only way to achieve scalability is to add more computing power, which has its limits. This is known as vertical scalability. So although structured data is usually stored and managed in an RDBMS, when the data is big, say in terabytes or petabytes and beyond, the RDBMS no longer works efficiently, even for structured data. An important feature of relational databases and a good reason for continuing to use them is that they conform to the following group of properties: atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability, usually known as ACID. Atomicity ensures that incomplete transactions cannot update the database; consistency excludes invalid data; isolation ensures one transaction does not interfere with another transaction; and durability means that the database must update before the next transaction is carried out. All these are desirable properties but storing and accessing big data, which is mostly unstructured, requires a different approach. […] given the current data explosion there has been intensive research into new storage and management techniques. In order to store these massive datasets, data is distributed across servers. As the number of servers involved increases, the chance of failure at some point also increases, so it is important to have multiple, reliably identical copies of the same data, each stored on a different server. Indeed, with the massive amounts of data now being processed, systems failure is taken as inevitable and so ways of coping with this are built into the methods of storage.”

“A distributed file system (DFS) provides effective and reliable storage for big data across many computers. […] Hadoop DFS [is] one of the most popular DFS […] When we use Hadoop DFS, the data is distributed across many nodes, often tens of thousands of them, physically situated in data centres around the world. […] The NameNode deals with all requests coming in from a client computer; it distributes storage space, and keeps track of storage availability and data location. It also manages all the basic file operations (e.g. opening and closing files) and controls data access by client computers. The DataNodes are responsible for actually storing the data and in order to do so, create, delete, and replicate blocks as necessary. Data replication is an essential feature of the Hadoop DFS. […] It is important that several copies of each block are stored so that if a DataNode fails, other nodes are able to take over and continue with processing tasks without loss of data. […] Data is written to a DataNode only once but will be read by an application many times. […] One of the functions of the NameNode is to determine the best DataNode to use given the current usage, ensuring fast data access and processing. The client computer then accesses the data block from the chosen node. DataNodes are added as and when required by the increased storage requirements, a feature known as horizontal scalability. One of the main advantages of Hadoop DFS over a relational database is that you can collect vast amounts of data, keep adding to it, and, at that time, not yet have any clear idea of what you want to use it for. […] structured data with identifiable rows and columns can be easily stored in a RDBMS while unstructured data can be stored cheaply and readily using a DFS.”

NoSQL is the generic name used to refer to non-relational databases and stands for Not only SQL. […] The non-relational model has some features that are necessary in the management of big data, namely scalability, availability, and performance. With a relational database you cannot keep scaling vertically without loss of function, whereas with NoSQL you scale horizontally and this enables performance to be maintained. […] Within the context of a distributed database system, consistency refers to the requirement that all copies of data should be the same across nodes. […] Availability requires that if a node fails, other nodes still function […] Data, and hence DataNodes, are distributed across physically separate servers and communication between these machines will sometimes fail. When this occurs it is called a network partition. Partition tolerance requires that the system continues to operate even if this happens. In essence, what the CAP [Consistency, Availability, Partition Tolerance] Theorem states is that for any distributed computer system, where the data is shared, only two of these three criteria can be met. There are therefore three possibilities; the system must be: consistent and available, consistent and partition tolerant, or partition tolerant and available. Notice that since in a RDMS the network is not partitioned, only consistency and availability would be of concern and the RDMS model meets both of these criteria. In NoSQL, since we necessarily have partitioning, we have to choose between consistency and availability. By sacrificing availability, we are able to wait until consistency is achieved. If we choose instead to sacrifice consistency it follows that sometimes the data will differ from server to server. The somewhat contrived acronym BASE (Basically Available, Soft, and Eventually consistent) is used as a convenient way of describing this situation. BASE appears to have been chosen in contrast to the ACID properties of relational databases. ‘Soft’ in this context refers to the flexibility in the consistency requirement. The aim is not to abandon any one of these criteria but to find a way of optimizing all three, essentially a compromise. […] The name NoSQL derives from the fact that SQL cannot be used to query these databases. […] There are four main types of non-relational or NoSQL database: key-value, column-based, document, and graph – all useful for storing large amounts of structured and semi-structured data. […] Currently, an approach called NewSQL is finding a niche. […] the aim of this latent technology is to solve the scalability problems associated with the relational model, making it more useable for big data.”

“A popular way of dealing with big data is to divide it up into small chunks and then process each of these individually, which is basically what MapReduce does by spreading the required calculations or queries over many, many computers. […] Bloom filters are particularly suited to applications where storage is an issue and where the data can be thought of as a list. The basic idea behind Bloom filters is that we want to build a system, based on a list of data elements, to answer the question ‘Is X in the list?’ With big datasets, searching through the entire set may be too slow to be useful, so we use a Bloom filter which, being a probabilistic method, is not 100 per cent accurate—the algorithm may decide that an element belongs to the list when actually it does not; but it is a fast, reliable, and storage efficient method of extracting useful knowledge from data. Bloom filters have many applications. For example, they can be used to check whether a particular Web address leads to a malicious website. In this case, the Bloom filter would act as a blacklist of known malicious URLs against which it is possible to check, quickly and accurately, whether it is likely that the one you have just clicked on is safe or not. Web addresses newly found to be malicious can be added to the blacklist. […] A related example is that of malicious email messages, which may be spam or may contain phishing attempts. A Bloom filter provides us with a quick way of checking each email address and hence we would be able to issue a timely warning if appropriate. […] they can [also] provide a very useful way of detecting fraudulent credit card transactions.”


Punched card.
Clickstream log.
HTTP cookie.
Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder.
The Millionaire Calculator.
Data mining.
Supervised machine learning.
Unsupervised machine learning.
Statistical classification.
Cluster analysis.
Moore’s Law.
Cloud storage. Cloud computing.
Data compression. Lossless data compression. Lossy data compression.
ASCII. Huffman algorithm. Variable-length encoding.
Data compression ratio.
Discrete cosine transform.
Bit array. Hash function.
PageRank algorithm.
Common crawl.

July 14, 2018 - Posted by | Books, Computer science, Data, Statistics

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